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Tahota was listed in 2015 Top 50 Chinese Law Firms by LEGALBAND

2016-03-17 Views:14985

Lately, the internationalrating agency LEGALBAND published the rankings of 2015 Top 50 Chinese Law Firms. Tahota is on the rankings by virtueof its high-quality legal services and brand perception.

Founded nearly 16 years,Tahota has always bended itself to taking professional services as the foothold,service quality as the source of life, human resource as the corecompetitiveness, culture as the enterprise soul, creating a unique enterprise brand.Tahota believes responsibility comes from profession and brand carries dream, andTahota people will keep on heading toward a new goal.

LEGALBAND is an internationallegal rating agency that belongs to the international media company AccurateMedia. This professional rating agency has a resident research team in China.With its research date, LEGALBAND can provide guidance for the highlycompetitive legal service market. Moreover, LEGALBAND is one of theauthoritative references for people who seek high-end legal services.


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