- Real Estate & Construction
- Banking, Finance & Trust
- Corporate Business, M&A and Bankruptcy Liquidation
- Securities Listing and Capital Markets
- Intellectual Property
- Government & Public Affairs
- Human Resources & Employment
- Cross-Border Business
- Dispute Resolution
- Health Care
- Maritime & Marine Affairs
- Environmental Protection
- Resource and Energy
- Marriage andFamily-related Wealth Management
- Legal Services Relating to Culture & Sports and TMT
- Criminal Defense
- Tax
Government & Public Affairs
Government & public affairs is one of the most important business segment of Tahota Law Firm. Tahota has provided high-quality legal services for Party committees, governments and their functional departments, public institutions and social organizations. Our business scope covers permanent legal counsel, government legislation, major administrative decision-making, investment attraction, state-owned assets and financial supervision, bidding and government procurement, public private partnership, public event handling, crisis response, administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation and other administrative dispute cases. We are highly regardedand well-received in the industry and in this practice sector.In the process of advancing rule of law, Tahota will continue to boost law-based administration and governance with its expertise and rich experiences.
Main Service
- Legal counsel services for Party committees, governments, public institutions, social organizations and trade associations
- Government legislation
- Risk assessment of major administrative decisions
- Administrative licensing, supervision and law enforcement evaluation
- Study on the special rule of law of the government
- State-owned assets supervision and financial supervision
- Investment attraction by the government
- Government procurement and bidding
- Cooperation between government and social capital
- Administrative dispute resolution
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs)
- Public affairs management
- Public events and public crisis response
- Set Sail from Fujian | Tahota Law Firm Officially Settled in Fuzhou, Fujian
- Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office
- Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”
- TAHOTA Southeast Asia Legal Services Salon (Myanmar) & RCEP Round-Table Discussion successfully held
- TAHOTA Law Firm Awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” by IFLR1000 China
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