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Tahota is Honored as 2016 China Business Law Awards Winner

2017-02-25 Views:14630

Recently, China Business Law Journalhas announced 2016 China Business Law Awards winners. Tahota was honored as “BusinessLaw Awards winner (west)” due to its outstanding professional strengths.

Business Law isa monthly bilingual international commercial law journal which mainly publishesanalytic industry articles and its main readers are law professionals who areconcerned about domestic and overseas investment. This selection involved morethan a hundred candidates chosen from house-lawyers and legal professionals allover the world. It comprehensively evaluated each law firm by its importantcases, client satisfaction and other achievements.  

Tahota has long been devoted to developmentstrategies like specialization, branding and globalization. Constantly exploringin the field of high-end legal services, Tahota has made remarkableachievements in finance, securities, overseas investment and mergers &acquisitions, aviation, intellectual property, bankruptcy and restructuring andso on. This award represents Tahota’s professional ability in  the legal service market and clients’ highpraise. We will return clients and the market with high-quality, efficient andcomprehensive legal services.


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