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Tahota Lawyers, Shoutai Cheng and Hong Ni, Winning the Title of Chambers Asia-Pacific “Leading Lawyers for Business”

2013-07-16 Views:15224

Recently, Tahota lawyers, Shoutai Cheng and Hong Ni,have won the title of Chambers Asia-Pacific “Leading Lawyers for Business”2012------2013.

The Chambers Headquarter is located inEngland, and Chambersis one of most authoritative analysis organizations publicly recognized ininternational legal market. This organization evaluates the reputation andprofessional skills of Chinese lawyers for business according to the deepfeedback obtained from extensive customer interviews. This Chambers Asian Law Awards wereestablished for rewarding the efforts and achievements of Chinese law firms. Chambers Asian Law Awards approved the lawfirms with excellent performance in various professional fields and reflectedthe outstanding achievements in the past year, including the outstandingprojects, excellent strategies, quality services and the like.

Thehonor given by Chambers as the international famous legalrating agency will certainly encourage us to make persistent efforts, bring ourprofessional advantage into full play consistently and provide the customerswith best all-round legal service wholeheartedly.


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