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Tahota Law Firm is crowned on China IP Rankings 2019 of 2019 ALB China

2019-05-28 Views:15872

      On May 20, 2019, the world-renowned legal media Asian Legal Business (ALB) had issued China IP Rankings 2019. Among the rankings of China-funded firms in China Mainland in the two sections- patents, trademarks/copyrights, Tahota Law Firm was on the list of successful candidates. Tahota was selected into the rankings for five consecutive years.

      ALB’s “China IP Rankings” is mainly based on the overall work volume (the litigation and non-litigation cases), the case complexity level and scale, clients, teams, the development and increase tendency on year-year-year basis of the firm that professionally works on the intellectual property business. It undertakes the evaluation according to patents, trademarks/copyrights, with an extremely strict and prudent investigation method.

       Possessing a powerful intellectual property legal service team, Tahota Law Firm has offered the intellectual property legal services, covering the intellectual property infringement litigation, the application and registration of patents, trademarks, copyrights and integrated circuit layout, and the legal affairs on internet, technology, communication and media fields. In recent years, Tahota has achieved a fast and furious development momentum in the intellectual property business area, signed up with a batch of international and domestic famed enterprises to offer them intellectual property legal services, undertaken a large volume of intellectual property litigations getting a lot of attention at home, and gained plenteous achievements. In the future, Tahota will continue to crease universal, multi-dimensional and profound intellectual property legal services.


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