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Help the Handicapped with Care for Charity – Tahota Law Firm Awarded Title of “Caring Organization for Supporting and Helping the Handicapped”

2014-05-25 Views:1928

On May 25, 2014, the Branch Session in Yantian District of Shenzhen City named “Show Demeanor with Self-reliance, Create Harmony with Handicapped-aid” for 24th National Handicapped-Aid Day was held in Rome Square, which was sponsored by Disabled Persons Federation of Yantian District and undertaken by Comprehensive Service Center for Disability Rehabilitation in Yantian District.

During the activity, four entities including Tahota (Shenzhen) Law Firm were awarded “Caring Organization for Supporting and Helping the Handicapped” by Disabled Persons Federation of Yantian District. On behalf of Tahota, lawyer Zhao Guangqun went to the stage for plaque acceptation. Meanwhile, An Memorandum of Understanding was entered into on site between Tahota (Shenzhen) Law Firm and Comprehensive Service Center for Disability Rehabilitation in Yantian District on cooperation in Sunshine Factory Products, which will continuously offer legal aid to this District as the “Project of Livelihood and Well-being of the Disabled”.


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