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Callum GuoPartner

Personal profile

  • Mr. Callum Guo specializes in cross-border investment and acquisition, Corporate Business. He has extensive legal service experience as both in-house lawyer and outside Legal counselor in multiple countries such as Dubai, Kuwait, Albania, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Peru, Nepal, Thailand.

    Mr. Callum Guo provides legal service to a number of well-known enterprise in various industries such as Asset Management, Hotel, Integrate Circuit, Art Expo, Biomedical. He is skillful in legal sectors of international trade, corporate governance, foreign exchange, M&A, financing, Dispute Resolution, Disposal of non-performing assets.

Education background

  • LLM, Waikato University of New Zealand

  • Bachelor of Laws, Southwestern University

Work experience

  • Jinyan Law Firm, Lawyer

  • Hilong Oil Service Company Ltd., Legal Manager of Overseas Subsidiary

  • Tahota Law Firm, Lawyer

  • Tahota Law Firm, Senior Partner

Representative performance

  • 1. Hilong Group (HK01623) cross boarder investment projects of oil wells drilling in Kuwait, Albania, Ethiopia and Nigeria.

  • 2. Bond issue project of Chengdu High-tech Investment Group

  • 3. Hydropower station EPC cross boarder investment project of CCK Group in Pakistan.

  • 4. Cultural Tourism cross boarder investment project of USUN Home Group in Nepal.

  • 5. Financing project between Beijing Innovspin Company Ltd and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • 6. Cross boarder acquisition project of Shanghai Smartnvy Company Ltd in France

  • 7. Acquisition project of Sichuan Business investment group to a series of finance lease and Fund companies

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