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Tina HuaPartner

Personal profile

  • Tina is admitted to practice as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia in 2010. Tina being equipped with her profound theoretical foundation reinforced with an extensive accumulation in practical experience, whom thus bears the capability to deal with complex factual and legal issues and the skills and knowledge to propound creative solutions. She is well-known for her professional conduct and immense foresight in both realms of legal expertise as well as the propensity to integrate considerations for business interests with law.

    Tina has assisted various investment projects carried out by high-profile Chinese companies in Australia delving into multiple industries, including the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Australia, education and nursing, hotel, agriculture, the acquisition of equity in mining companies, funds operation, the acquisition of Australian Financial Service Licensing (AFSL), financing and lending, overall investment planning and strategies, management structure, as well as the operation of investment projects sustaining commercial immigration plans.

Education background

  • Law School of Shenzhen University, Bachelor of Law

  • Law School of Bond University, Juris Doctor

Work experience

  • 2009-2010 Lin Tang &Co. Lawyers (Paralegal)

  • 2010-2012 Wang Associates Solicitors (Solicitor)

  • 2013-2018 Goodwin & Co. Lawyers (Executive Partner)

  • 2018- Present Tahota (Sydney) Law Firm (Managing Partner)

Social Positions

  • Member of the Law Society of New South Wales

  • Executive President of Yunnan Commerce Association in Australia

  • Vice-chairman of Australia China Business Summit

Representative performance

  • Acting for a large-scale meat production and export enterprise for undertaking the role as the general agent in Australia and New Zealand and issuing compliance recommendations and rights protection for promotion of the brand in the Australian market.

  • Acting for a listed pharmaceutical company in Australia, drafting Merger and Acquisition agreements involving Australian and Chinese enterprises worth more than 5 million Australian dollars.

  • Acting for a listed mining company in Australia in relation to conducting due diligence, as well as drafting Mergers and Acquisitions, and shareholder agreements.

  • Acting for several high-profile real-estate developers in land acquisition and their high-rise development projects in Sydney.

  • Acting for the FunFish trademark dispute and the role involved briefing the counsel, and involvement in mediation as well as strategy planning. Matter reached settlement on terms favourable to the client.

  • Acting for a high net-worth milk formula manufacturing and export enterprise relating to multiple allegations in a Federal Court action where the damages sought exceeded $80 million. Roles include briefing counsel and conducting mediation. Matter reached settlement on terms favourable to the client.

  • Acting for an Australian trust company in an Australian investment dispute involving more than 12 million Australian dollars. The plaintiff and the counter accused involved Chinese and Hong Kong enterprises and individuals.

  • Acting for an Australian Financial Licensed Trust Company to reconstitute and restructure more than 17 million Australian dollars’ worth of claims and equity investments.

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