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Liu XueyaoPartner

Personal profile

  • Liu Xueyao, a qualified Chinese lawyer, has been practicing since 2010 in Tahota Law Firm. She mainly disposed of domestic investment to China, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Trade, litigation and arbitration. She has provided p legal services for many listed companies, large state-owned enterprises, oversea investors and governments, such as Macao Chengdu Media Group, Unocal East China Sea etc., covering legal consultant, business negotiation, project demonstration and M&A.

Education background

  • 2004-2008: Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Bachelor of Laws

  • 2006-2007 One year exchange study in Université Aix-Marseille III of EU law

Work experience

  • 2010-present: Tahota Law Firm

Work Guideline

  • 1. Adhere to the objective, impartial and rigorous practice attitude and maintain the independence of thinking and judgment as a practicing lawyer.

  • 2. Abide by professional ethics, protect customer's business secrets and personal privacy, and never make use of the confidential information that we know from our practicing activities to seek benefits for ourselves or third parties.

  • 3. Continue to improve professional skills, in order to provide high-level professional services for customers; Accept only competent businesses, and take responsibility for personal and team capabilities, experience and credibility.

  • 4. Be honest, face the complexity of the society, together with the customers, to face the various relations, background and interests that may possibly effect our judgment or service.

  • 5. Persist in the high effective work, try the best to make the client obtain the corresponding practical benefits from our business achievements.

Representative performance

  • 1. Macao SAR government, as the legal counsel for more than one thousand Construction Aid Projects in Sichuan.

  • 2. Unocal East China Sea, Ltd. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chevron, as the outside legal counsel.

  • 3. Fullerton Credit Services Co., Ltd.(wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Temasek), as its PRC counsel for its incorporation of WFOE in Chengdu and outside legal counsel after establishment.

  • 4. Represent a Chinese company in an acquisition by foreign capital and provide legal consultant for the JV company.

  • 5. Represent a Chinese company for its acquisition of a French hotel.

  • 6. Provide Chinese legal service for the client in an arbitration in Hongkong, and assist the client to make a settlement which avoid any liability.

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