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Participation of Organization of the Second International Conference on Secured Transactions Legal Reform

2016-05-21 Views:3763

On May 21, 2016 to 22, the SecondInternational Conference on Secured Transactions Legal Reform, which issponsored by the China Research Society of Civil Law, organized by School ofLaw of Nanjing University and co-hosted by Credit Information Center of People’sBank of China, International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group,APEC Business Council, Jiangsu Deqing Law Firm, Jiangsu Boom Star Law Firm,Tahota (Shanghai) Law Firm, Law of China legal Publishing House is hold inNanjing, Jiangsu.

There are about 150 domestic and foreignexperts and scholars of the field of security law attending this conference. Theyare both well-known experts and scholars in China or foreign scholars and expertsin practice that come from Indiana University, Harvard University, SeoulNational University, Soochow University, Vietnam’s Ministry of Justice and theWorld Bank. Security law is the core of this conference. And statements andkeynote speeches are divided into three aspects: legal reform and developmentof world real rights for security, the improvement and reform of the legalsystem of real rights for security in China, understanding and application ofthe legal system of real rights for security in China.

Participating scholars agree that this conferenceis of great significance. They  hope acommunication platform for the modernization of security law can be built to promotescientific codification of the Civil Code of China.

The partner of TahotaShanghai office Zhenhua Wang was invited to the conference, and he presidedover the conference and participated in some discussions. Tahota Shanghaioffice will continue to participate in the discussion and promote thedevelopment of the security law major.


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