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Germany SZA Law Firm Arrived in Chengdu and Visited Tahota

2013-03-29 Views:1814

On March 28, 2013, the senior partner, Dr. Hirschberger, and the chamber barrister, Ms. Meiting Zhu, from Germany SZA Law Firm arrived in Chengdu and visited the partner of the International Business Department of Tahota Law Firm, Wen Wu, and the Doctor who has studied in Germany, Jia Yuan, at Kempinski Hotel. Both parties introduced the development history and recent situation of the law firm respectively and discussed the legal service market and customer demand between China and Germany thoroughly. Both parties will work together to promote the bilateral business development that Chinese enterprises invest in Germany while German enterprises invest in China.

As one of law firms with longest history in Germany, Germany SZA Law Firm provides the large and medium enterprises with legal advices in almost all business fields, enjoys good reputation in the fields of company merger and acquisition, listing of company, antitrust law, intellectual property and the like. Its customers include the transnational industry magnates in Germany, such as Daimler, Siemens, BASF, Manne, Merck and so on. SZA Law Firm was originated from eighty years ago, and it has offices in Frankfurt and Mannheim at present. They are famous for excellent skill and being highly responsible for the customers. This firm has about sixty lawyers including sixteen partners. They devote their mind to customers’ goal, provide efficient consultation service for the individual demand of customer and are skilled in providing comprehensive support and service for highly complex domestic and international merger and acquisition.


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