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Our Firm Assists Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Investment Co., Ltd. to Issue Overseas Dollar Bonds

2023-01-12 Views:2936

Recently, Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Investment Development Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as“Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Company”)successfully issued US$100 million bonds bearing coupon interest at 6.50%.The deal is the first transaction issued in 2023.

Founded in 2018, Chengdu Sino French Ecological Park Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chengdu Economic Development Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. The Company’s Sino-French Ecological Park development business mainly involves infrastructure and public facilities construction within the Sino-French Ecological Park. 

As the PRC legal advisor of the bond issuer, Tahota assisted the issuer in conducting due diligence on PRC laws, reviewing issuance documents, and issuing PRC legal opinions. The main lawyers in charge of this project include Partner YANG Yue, YANG Yi, JIN Yan ,HUANG Xia, and QING Yu Ling etc.



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