Our Firm Helped Jiumen Technology to Succeed in Being Listed in NEEQ
On July 24, 2017, National SME Equities Exchange Co.,Ltd. ("Equities Exchange Company") released The Letter on Agreement ofListing the Stocks of Sichuan Jiumen Technology Co., Ltd. in National EquitiesExchange and Quotation, which formally allowed to list the stocks of SichuanJiumen Technology Co., Ltd. ("Jiumen Technology") with speciallegal services offered by Tahota Law Firm in National Equities Exchange andQuotation, taking negotiating transfer as its method of transfer.
Tahota Successfully Helped Gowins to Appear on the New OTC Market
Recently, Tahota provided a special legal service for Chengdu GowinsTechnology Co., Ltd (stock code: 839172) to help the company to be listed onthe new OTC market. Gowins applied to be listed on the national small andmedium-sized enterprise shares transfer system and wanted its shares to bepublicly transferred. With the help of Tahota, Gowins received the listing agreementof the shares-transferred company and will appear on the capital market soon.