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Our firm has been ranked 12th in 2019 Top 50 Domestic Law Firms of ALB

2019-11-19 Views:18724

       Recently, Asian Legal Business (“ALB” for short) has launched the Top 50 Domestic Law Firms in 2019. Due to its extraordinary professional capacity, extensive service network and gradual and stable development tendency, TAHOTA Law Firm has been listed again and ranked as the 12th.

       Since 2019 TAHOTA has gained good graces from the main-stream law media/rating agencies, such as “Western China Law Firm” Award, “China Intellectual Property Law Firm” and “Top 10 China’s Fastest Growing Firms” of ALB, the key recommendation field list of 2019 Asia-Pacific Guide of Chambers and Partners, “Law Firm of the Year” of China Business Law Journal, “Asia-Pacific List” of The Legal 500, and the recommended list of IFLR1000. The international law firm ranking is another time of great honor.

       Through 20 years of stable and healthy development, TAHOTA has turned into one of the leading large-scale comprehensive law firms in China. At present, it has set up 20 branches around the world and attracted a batch of global law service professional talents to join in. TAHOTA will always be rooted in the law service markets at home and abroad and provide multi-field and multi-level qualified law services to the customers with professional, large-scale and branding concepts and quality.


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