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Interview with IP Experts Draft Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law Online, April 27th

2023-04-26 Views:4959


In February, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNPA) released new amendments (in a draft form) to the Chinese Trademark Law to improve trademark protection and simplify the trademark registration procedure. Trademark protection remains a high priority for companies operating in the Chinese market. However, significant regulatory efforts are made to protect trademarks and reduce the risk of trademark infringements and squatting. This webinar will discuss the key proposed amendments to the Chinese Trademark Law, mainly referring to the protection against trademark squatting practices. 

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar: “Interview with IP Experts: Draft Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law”, on Thursday, April 27th online via Zoom at 4:00 PM (Beijing Time).



Time:27th April 2023(Thursday)

      16:00 - 16:45 (Beijing Time)

Topic: Interview with IP Experts: Draft Amendments to Chinese Trademark Law

How to participate:Online


Content of the Seminar: In order to help relevant entities better understand the Draft Amendments, this webinar will provide an introduction and in-depth study on the following issues:

- Overview of the key amendments (in a draft form) to the Chinese Trademark Law;

- Impact of the amendments in the current version of the law;

- Measures against “trademark squatting.”


(Beijing Time)



16:05-16:30:Overview of the new amendments (in a draft form) and impact on trademark squatting – Charles (Chao) Feng, Senior Partner and Director of the International Business Department at Tahota (Beijing) Law Frim

16:30-16:45:Q&A Session


Moderator: Carlo Geremia, CICC IPWG Coordinator & Senior Counsel at ADVANT Nctm



——Charles Feng Partner

Mr. Feng is Partner, Attorney-at-Law at Tahota, Beijing, he also serves as Director of International Department of Tahota. Mr. Feng is a reputable IP and cyber law expert with substantial experience on intellectual property law, cyber law and anti-trust law with international law firm and Chinese law firms, focusing on IP litigation, enforcement trademark and patent portfolio management, as well as cyber law related legal matters. 

Mr. Feng has represented numerous foreign clients from US, EU and Japan at various levels of courts as well as enforcement agencies in China. Mr. Feng is particularly experienced in addressing clients' commercial needs in the areas of IP litigation and arbitration, including patent, copyright, trademark, and domain names, unfair competition, trade secrets. In addition to his work in the courtrooms, he has been involved in IP transactional work, including the drafting, negotiation and enforcement of IP assignment or licensing agreements. Besides, Mr. Feng and his team also represented a number of multinationals in dealing with their legal matters in relation to cyber security, privacy and data protection.

As a highly regarded expert at home and abroad, Mr. Feng is currently serving as the Consultant Expert to Guiding Case Research Center of Supreme People’s Court of China, Vice Director of Copyright Society of China, Standing Committee Member of China Intellectual Property Law Association, an IP Expert for EU-China IPR Helpdesk as well as a member of American Bar Association, China Bar Association and INTA. For four consecutive years since 2015, Mr. Feng has been consecutively listed in LegalBand as excellent IP lawyer from 2015 to 2019, excellent Cyber Security and Data Protection lawyer from 2017-2019 as well as listed by Asian Legal Business as Top 15 IP Lawyer in 2015.


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