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TAHOTA Shanghai Office

HUANG Yafangadviser

Personal profile

  • HUANG Yafang currently works with the Shanghai office of Tahota Law Firm. Prior to joining Tahota, she worked at the Shanghai office of JunHe Law Firm. Ms. Huang has extensive experience in providing legal services related to healthcare and technology industries. She specializes in the formation of industry funds, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, domestic and foreign investment, and overseas listings. She has served numerous Fortune 500 companies, publicly listed firms, and renowned investment institutions, assisting clients in raising and investing over 10 billion RMB.

  • In the emerging overseas business sector, Ms. Huang has provided legal services to various companies in establishing overseas structures and making overseas investments.

Education background

  • 2017-2020: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Master of Law

  • 2012-2016: East China University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Laws

Work experiences

  • 2020-2024: JunHe LLP, Lawyer

  • 2024-present: Tahota Law Firm, Counsel

Representative performance

  • 1.Participated in the listing of XPeng Inc. (XPEV) on the New York Stock Exchange.
    2.Participated in the secondary listing of ZTO Express (2057.HK) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
    3.Participated in the listing of AiHuiShou International Co. Ltd. (RERE) on the New York Stock Exchange.
    4.Provided legal services to Biotrack Capital in the formation of its RMB Fund II.
    5.Provided legal services to Biotrack Capital in the formation of several single-project funds.
    6.Provided legal services to HLC Capital in the formation of its RMB Fund IV.
    7.Provided legal services to HLC Capital in the formation of its QFLP fund.
    8.Provided legal services to Fengshion Capital in the formation of its RMB Consumer Fund.
    9.Provided legal services to CR CAPITAL MGMT in the formation of its RMB fund.
    10.Assisted several listed companies, investment institutions, and family offices to invest in various RMB and USD funds.
    11.Represented Biotrack Capital and Yonghua Capital in investing in NuProbe, and assisted NuProbe in its financing to bring in the well-known investors such as AZ-CICC, CRCP.
    12.Provided legal services to LePure in its acquisition of several medical device companies.
    13.Represented Gleneagles Medical in its acquisition of several medical institutions.
    14.Represented CITIC Capital in the acquisition of a well-known condiment company.
    15.Represented the founders of Young Will in the sale of the controlling interest to NIP Group.

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