Set Sail from Fujian | Tahota Law Firm Officially Settled in Fuzhou, Fujian
In the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China outlined a grand blueprint for us – to basically establish the rule of law for the country, the government and the society in 2035. In response to the call of the times, we have come to Fujian – a place full of outstanding people.
Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office
The outbreak of the Covid-19 in 2020 brought tremendous impact on social life and productivity. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said in his Chinese New Year Speech of 2021, “Toughness reveals bravery and perseverance, and hardships yields success”. Tahota Law Firm actively cooperates with the national epidemic prevention work and strives to overcome the impact of the pandemic. After more than 18 months of deliberation and preparation, Tahota Law Firm has officially completed the establishment of its Bangkok office. It is a key step for Tahota to build its Southeast Asian Legal Service Center.
Partners from our firm were on the list of 2020 “The A-List Elite Lawyers of the China Business Law Journal”
On January 4, 2021, China Business Law Journal, an internationally renowned legal media, released the list of 2020 “China's Elite 100 Lawyers”. Lawyers Liu Jun and Fu Qiang, senior partners of Tahota Law Firm, were selected into the list by virtue of their outstanding professional abilities, leading innovation consciousness, and excellent market reputation, which have attracted the attention of the industry.
TAHOTA Southeast Asia Legal Services Salon (Myanmar) & RCEP Round-Table Discussion successfully held
On November 17, 2020, lawyer Chen Shiyong, partner of China Pan-Mekong Law Firm (Myanmar), visited TAHOTA Law Firm and gave a special lecture on Myanmar Investment Laws and Risks. The Salon was presided over by lawyer Zhou Yarui (partner of TAHOTA Law Firm). Lawyer Ma Chunyan (Director of the International Business Sector), lawyer Yuan Jia (Deputy Director of International Business Sector) and lawyer Gan Jianming participated in the Discussion.
TAHOTA Law Firm Awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” by IFLR1000 China
On August 27, 2020, the international famous legal media International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000) released the List of IFLR1000 China. Excellent law firms and lawyers in eight regions of China were selected into this List for the first time by IFLR1000 after investigation on the legal market in China from the perspective of region based on the cases and the feedback from clients and peers. With comprehensive strength and outstanding performance, TAHOTA Law Firm was awarded the “Best Law Firm of the Year” (Sichuan Region), and meanwhile, we were nominated for the “Best Law Firm of the Year” in Chongqing Region and Jinan Region.
Xining Office Was Recruited as the Long-Term Legal Adviser of Department of Finance of Qinghai Province
On June 10, 2020, Xie Qingping and Wang Zhongjie, directors of Xining office of Tahota Law Firm and the lawyer Li Yongqiang participated in the signing ceremony of legal adviser at the meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Department of Finance of Qianghai Province, while the deputy director Wang Peng, representing the provincial Department of Finance, awarded the letter of appointment to Xining office and the lawyer Li Yongqiang.
Tahota Law Firm Helped a State-owned Enterprise with Mixed Ownership in Chongqing Finish the First Employee Share-holding Pilot Program
SASAC, ministry of finance and securities regulatorycommission issued to implement Opinions on State-owned Enterprise with MixedOwnership Carrying out Employee Share-holding Pilot Program in August, 2016(NDRC[2016]No.133). Chongqing Longping Renhe Health industry Co., Ltd (whosename was changed into Chongqing Zhongliang Health industry Co., Ltd) was chosenas one of the employee share-holding pilot state-owned enterprises with mixedownership in Chongqing by Chognqing NDRC.
Tahota Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai Free Trade Zone World Expo Business Coordinated Bureau
Recently, Shanghai office of Tahota signed a strategiccooperation agreement with China (Shanghai) PilotFree Trade Zone World Expo Business Coordinated Bureau. The World Expo Business Coordinated Bureau will havegreater cooperation with Tahota in the field of business transactionattraction, investment promotion, consultation and investment-financing so as tolocate related resources and projects in the expo area. On behalf of Tahota, WuYe and Xie Tianxiang from the Shanghai office signed the strategic cooperationagreement.
ur Lawyers Provided Whole Course Legal Service for the Provincial Key Project “China-France Agricultural Science and Technology Park”
TahotaLaw Firm accepted the commission of Pengshan district people's government andappointed lawyers like Wu Xinjian, Yuan Jia and Liu Shuxiao to provide wholecourse legal service for the project “Agricultural Science and Technology Park”which was established by Pengshan district people's government and a Frenchcompany.
Participation of Organization of the Second International Conference on Secured Transactions Legal Reform
On May 21, 2016 to 22, the SecondInternational Conference on Secured Transactions Legal Reform, which issponsored by the China Research Society of Civil Law, organized by School ofLaw of Nanjing University and co-hosted by Credit Information Center of People’sBank of China, International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group,APEC Business Council, Jiangsu Deqing Law Firm, Jiangsu Boom Star Law Firm,Tahota (Shanghai) Law Firm, Law of China legal Publishing House is hold inNanjing, Jiangsu.