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Tahota Law Firm Listed in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020 in Multiple Sectors

2020-01-17 Views:19838

On January 16, 2020, The Legal 500, a famous legal rating agency in the UK, released the list of Chinese-Invested Law Firms and Lawyers in Asia Pacific. Tahota Law Firm was included in the list for its outstanding performance in four sectors: capital market, litigation for intellectual property, non-litigation for intellectual property and private equity. It was also included in the list of recommendation in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Chengdu (including Chongqing).

Tahota Law Firm is dedicated to further achievements in providing the clients with high-quality and comprehensive services, including but not limited to the sectors of capital market, intellectual property, private equity, company commerce and dispute settlement, and to preparing accurate legal plans for the clients. Tohato’s being listed in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020 manifests the achievements of its continuous innovation, and also highlights the strong strength and good reputation in its business sectors.

With a history of over 30 years, The Legal 500 is recognized as one of the biggest independent legal rating agencies around the globe. It implements ranking once a year based on extensive researches on each jurisdiction to make objective comments and prediction for the legal market in each jurisdiction. The research involves all law firms and the feedback from thousands of clients on the lawyers. The rating criteria are highly strict to ensure that the recommended law firms and lawyers are exactly the best in the industry.


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