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The Peers from Van • European Lawyers Group and Huitao Law Firm Visited Tahota for Communicating

2006-10-30 Views:31320

On Sep. 19, 2006, all personnel of Administrative Department were ready in the Lobby of our firm for welcoming the peers from Sichuan Huitao Law Firm and Europe. On the meeting, the Chief partner of our firm, Shoutai Cheng, the senior partners, Jianhong Yang and Zhengping Xu, the Administration Manager, Xingtong Chen, and the Financial Controller, Yanmei Sun, attended to the discussion, and the full-time lawyer, Tiankui Zhang, served as the interpreter. The Chief partner of our firm, Shoutai Cheng, delivered the welcoming speech, and he firstly extended warm welcome to the peers from as far away as Europe and the peers from Sichuan Huitao Law Firm and then briefly introduced the development history of our firm and the whole condition of the lawyers. He said that Chengdu is the city at the rapidest development speed in western China, our firm is honored to communicate with the foreign excellent lawyers, and we would be very happy to learn from the excellent management experience of foreign law firms and wish to cooperate with European lawyers! Then, the Director of Sichuan Huitao Law Firm, Qijun Li, introduced the basic information on Huitao Law Firm.

The representatives of European lawyers introduced the practice situation of European lawyers to us. We learned from the interpreter that Van • European Lawyers Group has Branches in 10 countries in Europe and Offices in 17 cities, and it has also established a law firm in Shanghai at present. There were six lawyers visiting Chengdu this time, and they’re respectively from England, Belgium, Italy and other countries. Firstly, they wanted to know more about the situation of Chinese legal profession, in particular, about the central-western cities with rapid economic development, so as to assist European enterprise development in western China. Secondly, they wanted to help Chinese enterprise to develop in Europe and achieve the win-win result. They expressed the will to develop business in western China.


Friendly Exchange between Bothe Parties

Both parties had a basic understanding of each other through the mutual introduction, then they communicated freely, the atmosphere became active immediately, and the lawyers good at English talked with the European peers directly. They all cherished this opportunity and tried best to discuss with each other in valuable time. Subsequently, the guests visited our offices accompanied by Administration Manager, Xingtong Chen, and knew the office environment of our firm.

How time flies. An hour past so soon, that we could just record the unforgettable memory by camera. We sincerely wish to build a communication platform between western lawyers and European lawyers and promote the mutual cooperation and development by such international communication.


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