Tahota Promoted the Approval of Another Listed Company’s Material Assets Reorganization
On Apr. 21, 2017, China's Securities Regulatory Commission formallyreleased Reply on Beijing Gaomeng New Material Co., Ltd.’sbuying Wuhan Huasen Plastic Co., Ltd. through issuing shares and raising counterpartfunds, which showed that material assets reorganization project of the listedcompany Beijing Gaomeng New Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as “Gaomeng New Material”, stock code: 300200) for which Tahota (Beijing)Law Firm provided special legal services had formally obtained theadministrative licensing of China's Securities Regulatory Commission. This materialassets reorganization of listed companies were carried out through issuingshares and paying cash, involving a transaction of 0.91 billion RMB, and thetarget company was Wuhan Huasen Plastic Co., Ltd.
Tahota Lawyers Participated in 2016 the 6th Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum
WangXiao, a partner from Beijing office of Tahota, ang Wang Shiying, a partner fromJinan office, took part in 2016 the 6th Business of Intellectual Property (IP)Asia Forum from December 1 to 2, 2016. This forum is co-organised by theGovernment of the HKSAR, HKTDC and HK Design Center and Asia has become theleading IP event in Asia.
Lawyers of Tahota was Invited to Deliver a Lecture for the Directors of the Legal Affairs Department of Transportation System from all Parts of China
On October19, 2016, senior partner, Doctor of Laws Mr. Ruzhong Liu of Tahota was invitedby Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China to deliver a speciallecture named “The Revision of Administration Procedure Law and Practice ofAdministrative Response to Appeals” for the directors from Ministry ofTransport Office and from Legal Affairs Department of Transportation Systemfrom all parts of China at the Party School of Ministry of Transport.
Tahota Law Firm Became Legal Adviser of Tianfu New Area
Recently, Tahota has attended the legal adviser competitive employment given by Chengdu Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Tianfu New Area. After comprehensive examination and comparison, Tahota was successfully employed by Chengdu Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Tianfu New Area as the perennial legal adviser. The two sides have recently signed the Perennial Legal Adviser Contract.
Tahota Law Firm Became the Legal Aid Institution of the Third Leaders Summit of China’s Listed Companies
On November 29, 2013, the third Leaders Summit of China’s Listed Companies grandly began in Chengdu. This summit was themed on “updating through transition and innovating through change”. It was aimed at gathering all listed companies’ capital innovating and updating strategies and find out the updated version of the Chinese capital market in the huge trend of “updating through transition and innovating through change”. It was hoped that this summit would bring more advancements to the Chinese capital market and Chinese economy.