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Tahota Law Firm Selected as an Outside Law Firm of Kweichou Moutai Group

2020-04-15 Views:33592

Recently, China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Kweichou Moutai Group”) published the list of outside law firm. With outstanding performance, Tahota Law Firm was shortlisted for the area of southwest China in four professional sectors: company business, listed company business and finance & securities, export and compliance control, as well as foreign-related investment and overseas legal right protection.

On January 17, 2020, Kweichou Moutai Group published its intention of recruiting outside law firms, inviting law firms interested to submit application materials. In response, a total of 252 law firms (including branches) in 8 regions across the country applied and Tahota passed the assessment of Moutai Group as a comprehensive law firm with a solid strength. The success is a testimonial to our comprehensive strength and professional services. In the future, Tahota will continue to provide our clientele with high-quality legal services by focusing on efficiency and quality and remaining dedicated, meticulous and professional.



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