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Multiple lawyers in the five regions of Tahota have shortlisted the Benchmark Litigation China 2023

2023-06-15 Views:20851

On June 5, 2023, Benchmark Litigation, an internationally renowned legal rating agency, released the "Benchmark Litigation China 2023". With excellent business ability, good reputation among customers and high-quality legal services, Tahota has many practice sectors and multiple lawyers ranked the list in the regions including Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Southwest China (Sichuan and Chongqing) and Northwest China.

Sectors and regions listed

Regions listed: Beijing Commercial disputes

Regions listed: Guangdong Commercial disputes

Regions listed: Jiangsu Commercial disputes

Regions listed: Southwest China (Sichuan and Chongqing) Commercial disputes Construction engineering and real estate

Regions listed: Northwest China (Xi'an) Commercial disputes

Lawyers listed

Cheng Shoutai — Star of Litigation

Zhou Yarui — Star of Future

Commercial disputes and construction engineering and real estate are the core business of Tahota. For a long time, Tahota has been continuously exploring in its field, taking specialization as the foundation. Tahota has been working deeply and tirelessly in its advantageous fields including commercial disputes, construction engineering and real estate to improve the depth and breadth of its practice, assist clients in responding to the constantly changing economic environment, and solve various complicated problems in the legal field, which enables it to win the reputation of the legal community, as well as to be highly recommended by internationally noted legal media and rating agencies.


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