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TAHOTA Law Firm retained the top spot as ALB China Annual Employer!

2023-04-23 Views:15729

On April 21, 2023, TAHOTA Law Firm retained the top spot as “2023 ALB China Annual Employer” for the 4th time, released in Asian Legal Business.

As one of the most powerful legal media worldwide, Asian Legal Business (ALB), based on principles of fairness and transparency, has participated in ALB annual employer survey on over 2600 partners, lawyers, and support personnel working in law firms of the Mainland of China. Multi-dimensional evaluations are made on the law firm from the perspectives of job satisfaction, remuneration and training system, occupation  development prospects, IT capacity, culture of the law firm and life-work balance.

In the we-media era, “everyone is the opinion leader”, therefore, anyone  may carry the brand of law firm. Recognitions of employees not only signify the healthy and sustainable development  of the law firm system, but  also become excellent communications for the law firm brand. Total 15 international and national law firms are shortlisted in ALB China Annual Employer this year.


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