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TAHOTA Xi’an Office

About Us

Tahota (Xi’an)Law Firm was established in February 2018 as an important measure of Tahota Law Firm for a nationwide layout based on northwest China. Relying on Tahota’s global integrated legal service platform, Xi’an Law Firm is committed to providing customers with one-stop global coordinated legal service experience.

Since its establishment, Xi’an Law Firm has rapidly attracted a large number of influential and outstanding lawyers from various industries and become aprogressive law firm in Xi’an legal service market. At present, there are more than 150 practicing lawyers and administrators. Each partner specializes in specific professional fields. Most lawyersgraduated from famous law universitiesat home and abroad, and some have doctoratesand overseas study experience. More than 10 partners act as arbitration commission arbitrators, labor arbitrators etc. More than 20 lawyers have professional qualifications of“RegisteredTaxAgent”, “Registered Accountant”, “Patent Agent”, “Insurance Assessors” and “SeniorEconomist”, etc.

Oriented by professional service, Xi’an Law Firm focuses on teamwork and specialized division of labor, integrates resources and coordinated cooperation. Xi’an Law Firm has established 13 professional legal departments, headed by partners with expertise. Each lawyer is integrated into related professional department according to the requirements of “one specialty and two supplements”, thus promoting the professionalization of lawyer’s business and promoting various professional departments to form a business synergy, which enables the Firm to create value for customers with comprehensive professional legal services.


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