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Miller Canfield Coming to Tahota for Idea Exchange

2006-11-13 Views:32520

Peers from Miller Canfield, the largest law firm in State of Michigan, USA, visited China with (U.S. Michigan) High-tech Industry Promotion Association on November 10, 2006. After completion of survey in Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing, they came to Tahota Law Firm in Sichuan Province for further survey and communication. Lawyer Qianhong Tang (senior partner and deputy director of International Business Department of Tahota) hosted the meeting, and Lawyer Shoutai Cheng (chief partner and director of Tahota), Lawyer Peng Li (partner of Tahota) and full-time Lawyer Tiankui Zhang attended the meeting.

Founded in 1852, Miller Canfield has 7 branches in Michigan, 2 branches in Florida, 1 branch in New York, 1 branch in Canada and 3 branches in Poland. One of their purposes during travel in Chengdu was to survey the legal environment of West China and opening conditions of foreign law firm branches. Their first choice, i.e. Tahota, was determined completely according to the rankings of network search. After sufficient communication, the accomplishments achieved by Tahota left a deep impression to them. Finally, the two parties reached an amicable cooperation intention and expressed that they should keep in touch, support each other, advance together through cooperation and provide clients with comprehensive legal services with higher efficiency and quality in the future.


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