Multiple business fields of TAHOTA have been listed in 2020 Asialaw Profiles
2019-09-17 Views:15970On September 16, 2019, the authoritative Asian legal media-Asialaw Profiles launched the latest Asia Pacific ranking recommendation list in 2020, and TAHOTA had been listed for its excellent performance in Banking and Finance, Labor and Intellectual Property in the past year.
For a long term, TAHOTA has kept exploring into the fields like Banking and Finance, Labor and Intellectual Right and gained excellent achievements. For this list of Asialaw Profiles is a kind of high appreciations on the professional construction and industry reputation of TAHOTA, we definitely will persist in paying back clients and markets with high-quality, high-efficiency and all-sided law services.
Asialaw Profiles is a professional evaluation guide under the famed law media group Legal Media Group. By focusing on the laws and practice in Asia-Pacific region and working on the objective and deep survey for years, it will launch the law firm and lawyer recommendation lists for the corresponding legal fields and professional fields. This list result, based on the wide-range online investigation and evaluation for the law consultant and the individual law practitioner, will carry out comprehensive evaluation on the law consultant and the legal professional, as an authoritative guide for the client to enter the legal service market.