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Lawyer Cheng Shoutai Attends Signing Ceremony of “Cooperation Agreement on Provision of Legal Publicity to Temples by Tahota Law Firm for Free

2014-06-09 Views:1994

On June 9, 2014, Sichuan Province Lawyers Association and Sichuan Province Buddhist Association have taken part in the Signing Ceremony of “Cooperation Agreement on Provision of Legal Publicity to Temples by Tahota Law Firm for Free held in Wenshu Penthouse, Wenshu Monastery of Chengdu City. Li Zhongbin (Director-General of the Justice Department of Sichuan Province) and Yang Boming (Deputy Director of Ethnic & Religious Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province) were present at the signing ceremony and delivered a speech. Buddhist priest Yong Shou (President of Sichuan Province Buddhist Association) and Lawyer Liu Shoumin (President of Sichuan Province Lawyers Association) have signed the agreement and made a speech on behalf of the parties respectively. Buddhist priest Yi Ji (Vice President of Sichuan Province Buddhist Association) and Lawyer Cheng Shoutai (Vice President of Sichuan Province Lawyers Association) have made as statement on behalf of the monastic and lawyers respectively. The signing ceremony was chaired by Chen Changbin, Inspector of Department of Justice Sichuan with a concurrent post of CPC Party Secretary of Sichuan Province Lawyers Association. Another over 100 participants were Li Kai (Deputy Director of Ethnic & Religious Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province) and directors (director-generals) of Ethnic & Religious Affairs Commissions (Bureaus) and justice bureaus, heads of lawyers association and Buddhist association, representatives of priests, lawyer representatives from 7 cities and prefectures (Chengdu, Mianyang, Leshan, Suining, Ganzi, Aba and Liangshan) as well as principals of Department of Justice, Sichuan and Ethnic & Religious Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province.


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