Lawyers of Tahota was Invited to Deliver a Lecture for the Directors of the Legal Affairs Department of Transportation System from all Parts of China
2016-10-19 Views:3084On October19, 2016, senior partner, Doctor of Laws Mr. Ruzhong Liu of Tahota was invitedby Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China to deliver a speciallecture named “The Revision of Administration Procedure Law and Practice ofAdministrative Response to Appeals” for the directors from Ministry ofTransport Office and from Legal Affairs Department of Transportation Systemfrom all parts of China at the Party School of Ministry of Transport.
Mr. Liurepresented related contents about “Administration Procedure Law” and several problemsabout administrative litigation practice vividly by theory and legislationcombined with actual cases. The lecture was divided into three parts: 1, themain modified points of Administration Procedure Law; 2, Review points oflegality of administrative behavior and problems existed during theadministrative law enforcement; 3, some suggestions to do a good job ofadministrative response to appeals work.
This lecturehas won unanimous praise from the directors and achieved a very good result.During the break and after the lecture, the directors made a furthercommunication and consultation with Mr. Liu about their problems happenedduring their work. They were longing for more such lectures from Tahota.