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Deloitte Touche Visited Tahota Chongqing Office

2013-11-05 Views:2783

On Nov. 5, 2013, the Senior Manager of Tax Affair and Business Consulting of Deloitte Touche / Deloitte Consulting (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Mr. Hau Li, and the Manager of Tax Affair and Business Consulting, Mr. Jun Li visited Chongqing Office and discussed and communicated with our senior partner, Qingyu Li, the executive partner, Lei Wang, partial full-time lawyers and assistant lawyers.

On the exchange meeting, Mr. Jun Li firstly introduced the situation that Deloitte provides professional services for the enterprises and public institutions over the world in the fields of audit, tax administration, enterprise management consulting and financial consulting and shared the business development in China, successful experience and business cooperation with intermediaries of Deloitte with the participants.

Mr. Qingyu Li extended a warm welcome to the arrival of Deloitte and introduced the basic information on Tahota.

Through the communication, both parties agreed that there is wide cooperative space between parties in the aspects of business development and resource sharing. In the future, both parties will work together to create and realize various forms of effective cooperation, for example, assigning professionals to give business lectures mutually, recommending customers, hosting introduction and marketing event, seminar for potential customers together and so on.


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