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Lawyers from Tahota Law Firm Attended the Meeting between South Korea and Indonesia on the Project of Palm EFB Pulp and Paper Technology

2014-05-05 Views:3816

On April 26, 2014, when South Korea and Indonesia held a meeting on “the Project of Palm EFB Pulp and Paper Technology” successfully in Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Dr. Ruizhe Liour consultant from Chongqing Office attended the meeting together with another lawyer Ruibing Zhang.

Dr. Changxun Li, the CEO of Korea’s Palm P&P Co. Ltd took the chair and gave the first speech, briefly introducing the entire project. Huiren Hu and Hongjie Zhang from Tianjin University of Science and Technology and senior engineer Liqun Wang gave their detailed presentations on the aspects of technology and specific project implementation.

During the meeting, lawyers from our law firm played an active role in promoting the cooperation between South Korea and Indonesia. After the meeting both sides showed their cooperative purpose and promised further communication.


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