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Our firm provides legal services for divestiture and restructuring of French multinational companies

2024-05-20 Views:2829
Recently, Ryan Xie has assisted an international client in the contemplated carve out transactions in China. The scope of work includes 1) impact assessment; and 2) detailed design for the implementation from the PRC labor law perspective.

Ryan Xie focuses on merger & acquisition, foreign direct investment, private equity and general corporate matters, assisting both domestic and foreign clients on their greenfield investment including WFOE and JV, dollar fund investment, restructuring, reorganization, share/asset transfer, alternation, liquidation and de-registration, advising on aspects including corporate, commercial, regulatory, intellectual property, foreign exchange, employment, data protection and environmental, health & safety. He provided comprehensive legal services involving energy, medical manufacturing, TMT, high-tech, retail, automobile, agricultural & food, and so on.

Ryan Xie has assisted various international clients for their investment in all forms in China. Before joining Tahota, he has worked for EY China Tax & Law and a top tier Chinese law firm for more than 10 years. He has rich experience of practicing in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen

Ryan Xie obtained his LLM from the University of International Business and Economics in 2013 and LLB from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 2009. He was an exchange student to the law school of Kyushu University, Japan. He is a current member the PRC Bar Association and has been officially recommended by the Bar Association of Guangdong Province in the fields of cross border investment. He is also a current member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and certified as CIPP/E.


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