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Tahota Succeeded in Helping Shandong Commercial Group Issue USD Bonds

2018-12-31 Views:17394

   Recently, Tahota Law Firm helped Shandong Commercial Group Co., Ltd. issue  Reg S 3-year USD bonds with a value of 120 million dollars in Hong Kong successfully. After the bonds were issued, they were listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange and subject to British laws. This is the first time for Shandong Commercial Group Co., Ltd. to issue foreign bonds, and the first time to issue foreign bonds directly.

   Zhongtai Financial International Limited worked as the lead underwriter for this overseas USD bond issuance. As a PRC legal adviser for the issuer, Tahota gave full play to its national advantages and constituted a project team with senior partner Ma Wenhai from Ji’nan office as the project leader, senior partner Yang Pengfei from Tahota international business department as well as lawyer Shi Zhan and lawyer Guo Ping from Ji’nan office as the main participants. After the team was established, these professional lawyers communicated with intermediary institutions, helped  Shandong Commercial Group prepare documents required for issuance, conducted legal due diligence and issued China’s legal opinions, providing whole-process and high-quality legal services for the smooth issuance of USD bonds and being recognized by our client. This project also further highlighted the professional advantages of Tahota Law Firm in legal service fields of investment and financing, bonds and international business.



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